boolean r_init(void *(*glGetProcAddr)(const char* proc));
Description: r_init initializes Relinquish and returns TRUE if it sucseeds and FALSE if the hardware does not support the required features. As of right now the Reliquish requires GL_ARB_shading_language_100 and GL_ARB_framebuffer_object. The funtion requires a function pointer to the systems procAddressGet in order to be able to obtain extention pointersr_enable
void r_enable();
Description: Enables Reliquish to take over all the state of the underlying API.r_disable
void r_disable();
Description: Disables Reliquish hold on the underlying API.r_extension_test
boolean r_extension_test(const char *string);
Description: r_extention test returns TRUE or FALSE is any given Extention is available. This funcetion should not be needed as all funtionality in Relinquish should be available.r_extension_get_address
void *r_extension_get_address(const char* proc);
Description: r_extention_get_address returns the function pointer to any function in OpenGL. This funcetion should not be needed as all funtionality needed to use Relinquish should be encapsulated.r_resource_debug
boolean r_resource_debug();
uint r_extension_query(uint query);