Network adapters
Query the netwqork adapters and their settings.
uint testify_network_adapter_count();
Description: WQuery the number of active network adapters in the system.testify_network_adapter_ipv4_local_address
uint32 testify_network_adapter_ipv4_local_address(uint id);
Description: Find the local IP v4 address of a specific adapter.testify_network_adapter_ipv4_global_address
uint32 testify_network_adapter_ipv4_global_address(uint id);
Description: Find the global IP v4 address of a specific adapter. May or may not be samer as local address.testify_network_adapter_ipv4_mask
uint32 testify_network_adapter_ipv4_mask(uint id);
Description: Find the local IP v4 mask of a specific adapter.testify_network_adapter_ipv4_gateway
uint32 testify_network_adapter_ipv4_gateway(uint id);
Description: Find the local IP v4 gateway of a specific adapter.testify_network_adapter_name
char *testify_network_adapter_name(uint id);
Description: Find the local name of a specific adapter.testify_network_adapter_mac_address
uint8 *testify_network_adapter_mac_address(uint id);
Description: Find the MAC address of a specific adapter. A pointer to 6 bytes will be returned.testify_network_ipv4_local
boolean testify_network_ipv4_local(uint32 ip_address);
Description: Find the local IP v4 gateway of a specific adapter.