Data unpacking
Functions used to unpack data in to a stram. If TESTIFY_DEBUG is not defined, the param "name" will be removed with a macro. In debug mode (where both TESTIFY_DEBUG is defined AND the bug mode of the stream has been set to TRUE testify_debug_mode_set) the name, and data type will be checked to make sure they match the name and type that was packed. If this test fails the application will terminate and write out a Error raport to standard out.
uint8 testify_unpack_uint8(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one uint8 from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_int8
int8 testify_unpack_int8(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one int8 from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_uint16
uint16 testify_unpack_uint16(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one uint16 from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_int16
int16 testify_unpack_int16(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one int16 from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_uint32
uint32 testify_unpack_uint32(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one uint32 from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_int32
int32 testify_unpack_int32(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one int32 from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_uint64
uint64 testify_unpack_uint64(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one uint64 from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_int64
int64 testify_unpack_int64(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one int64 from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_real32
float testify_unpack_real32(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one float from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_real64
double testify_unpack_real64(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking one double from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_string
boolean testify_unpack_string(THandle *handle, char *value, uint buffer_size, char *name);
Description: Unpacking a string to the buffer "string" with maximum "buffer_size" number of bytes from "handle". Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_string_allocate
char *testify_unpack_string_allocate(THandle *handle, char *name);
Description: Unpacking a string from "handle" and returning a pointer to the string. The application is responcible for freeing the string. Name is the name of the value expected to be found next in line in the data stream.testify_unpack_raw
real64 testify_unpack_raw(THandle *handle, uint8 *buffer, uint64 buffer_length);
Description: Unpacks a raw array of bytes in to a handle. Returns the number of bytes that got unpacked as this may be less then size