In order to comunicate with a host application, a plugin can expose settings to betray. All betray applications are recomended to support a way for users to modify these settings.
uint betray_settings_create(uint type, char *name, uint select_count, char **select_options);
Description: Create a new setting by giving it a name and a type. If the type is set to BETRAY_ST_SELECT, yopu must also give it the number of select options available and an array of strings describing the different options.betray_settings_count
uint betray_settings_count();
Description: Returns the number of settings available (This number will be static once betray_innit has been called)betray_settings_type
BSettingType betray_settings_type(uint id);
Description: Returns the BSettingType of a specific settingTypes:
Description: Creates a trigger event for a plugi. Useful for things like screen captiure. |
Description: A simple boolean to turn on or off functionality. |
Description: A Selector where the application can chose form one of a number of named optrions. |
Description: A text string option. |
Description: A floating point value. |
Description: A integer value. |
Description: A Floating point value ranging from zero to one. |
Description: A two dimational value ranged form, minus one to plus one. |
Description: A three dimational value ranged form, minus one to plus one. |
Description: A Color |
Description: A 4x4 trnasfomration matrix |
char *betray_settings_name(uint id);
Description: Rewturns the name of a specific settingbetray_settings_toggle_get
boolean betray_settings_toggle_get(uint id);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_TOGGLE.betray_settings_toggle_set
void betray_settings_toggle_set(uint id, boolean toggle);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_TOGGLE.betray_settings_select_get
uint betray_settings_select_get(uint id);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_SELECT.betray_settings_select_set
void betray_settings_select_set(uint id, uint select);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_SELECT.betray_settings_select_count_get
uint betray_settings_select_count_get(uint id);
Description: returns the number of options available for selection.betray_settings_select_name_get
char *betray_settings_select_name_get(uint id, uint option);
Description: Returns the names of each individual option available.betray_settings_number_float_get
float betray_settings_number_float_get(uint id);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_NUMBER_FLOAT.betray_settings_number_float_set
void betray_settings_number_float_set(uint id, float number);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_NUMBER_FLOAT.betray_settings_number_int_get
int betray_settings_number_int_get(uint id);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_NUMBER_INT.betray_settings_number_int_set
void betray_settings_number_int_set(uint id, int number);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_NUMBER_INT.betray_settings_string_get
char *betray_settings_string_get(uint id);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_STRING.betray_settings_string_set
void betray_settings_string_set(uint id, char *string);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST__STRING.betray_settings_slider_get
float betray_settings_slider_get(uint id);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_SLIDER.betray_settings_slider_set
void betray_settings_slider_set(uint id, float slider);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_SLIDER.betray_settings_2d_get
void betray_settings_2d_get(uint id, float *x, float *y);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_2D.betray_settings_2d_set
void betray_settings_2d_set(uint id, float x, float y);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_2D.betray_settings_3d_get
void betray_settings_3d_get(uint id, float *x, float *y, float *z);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_3D.betray_settings_3d_set
void betray_settings_3d_set(uint id, float x, float y, float z);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_3D.betray_settings_color_get
void betray_settings_color_get(uint id, float *red, float *green, float *blue);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_COLOR.betray_settings_color_set
void betray_settings_color_set(uint id, float red, float green, float blue);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_COLOR.betray_settings_4x4_matrix_get
void betray_settings_4x4_matrix_get(uint id, float *matrix);
Description: Reads out the current state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_4X4_MATRIX.betray_settings_4x4_matrix_set
void betray_settings_4x4_matrix_set(uint id, float *matrix);
Description: Sets the state of a setting with the type BETRAY_ST_4X4_MATRIX.